I am Christina Semmens, an author, speaker, coach and the person behind the SAY YES Movement.
My primary goal is to inspire, encourage and accompany people to SAY YES and live a life of purpose, peace and abundance as they become holy men and women-saints.

Gulf War
I am a graduate of Marquette University, receiving both a BA in both History and Theology before entering active duty as an United States Army officer where I served a tour active duty overseas, including a combat tour in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War.

Teaching & Reserves
I then went on to receive my MA in History and Secondary Teaching Certification from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and taught social studies at the middle and high school levels, while serving in the Reserves in a numerous assignments, including JROTC staff cadre, United States Military Academy Liason Officer and in the History Offices for US Space Command, US Strategic Command, and US Northern Command.

Nonprofit & Masters
After 14 years,I resigned my commission in the Army Reserves, and then went on to run a nonprofit multisport racing company and foundation for elementary age youth while completing my studies for a MA in Theology from Catholic Distance University based in Arlington, Virginia. Simultaneously I supported my husband’s defense contracting business, spending ten years working as a government contractor as a Facility Security Officer.

Roman Catholic
Since my conversion to Roman Catholicism over thirty years ago, I have actively served in a variety of roles within religious education, Confirmation preparation, youth ministry, social justice ministry, RCIA, adult faith formation and spirituality, including 5 years as the Director of Adult Education and Spirituality at St John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison, Alabama. I also have a Certification in Spiritual Mentorship that I received from the Apostles of Interior Life and the School of Faith under the auspices of Archbishop Joseph Naumann in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas.